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Still Images/Things As They Are/Photographs Without Images
What is photography? It is said photography captures the world as it is. Capturing the moment of our world and representing it in the form of a still image, it has gained some authentic power, the power that makes us believe the image to be real. We see it as evidence that something or someone is or was actually in this world. But where does this power come from? The real world is a dynamic one, always in motion to change.
One day I photographed my father, but unexpectedly I failed in the film development. Father was rather reluctant to be photographed. I remember his reluctant look. To take his picture I used monochrome film. I hadn’t used the film for a long time. Perhaps that was why I failed. What was captured on film was only a faded image of my father. It was rather a simple mistake. I wouldn’t make such a mistake next time, I thought. But the next time never came, for my father passed away soon after.
Now my father is gone. I am left with his last photograph with “image” faded away. I cannot help thinking of this. What does it tell me? Does it simply tell me that my father is gone? Or does it tell me where he is gone, something of his whereabouts, as if he were still somewhere? If so, then where? As a photographer, I want to capture this “something” and communicate it to my audience.
In pursuit of this imageless subject, I shed a new light on the process of photography, where all sorts of agents such as chemicals, light and materials, even the photographer’s aesthetic sense, they are all busy at work to produce a photographic image. In contrast to the image, the process is invisible. Be it inside the camera or in the darkroom, the work is done where no one can see it. Making good use of light and photographic papers, but not using a camera and film, I created my work to visualize this unseen process of photography, which may allow the viewers to catch a glimpse of the subject, the subject without images. These are the works.
Seeing the world to create images and seeing the creation itself, there comes something in between. To capture this I am making my work.
Akira Yasuda
(Translated by Hisato Kawata)静止したイメージ/ありのままの事物/何も写っていない写真
Akira Yasuda
1973__Born in Aichi, Japan
1999__M.F.A in Design, Tokyo University of the Arts
2008~2010_Research Assistant, Tokyo University of the Arts
2011~__Part-time Lecturer, Tokyo University of the Arts2013~__Lecturer, Fukuyama University (2017~ Professor)
Selected Solo exhibitions
2022__Entering in and out the picture ; Komyouji-Kaikan, Hiroshima
2014__Training to Take A Photograph of Void ; Komyouji-Kaikan, Hiroshima
2013__Roll Light ; OMONMA TENT, Ibaraki2012__About the Light ; Locker Room in ARCUS Studio, Ibaraki
_______Frames/Framed ; Fuller Project, Indiana, USA2006__PHOTO & GRAPH ; theatre de sens Gallery, Tokyo
2003__IEDETENJI ; Mezon-Yamato, Tokyo2001__Daydream ; Three More Times, Pepper's Gallery, Tokyo
Selected Group exhibitions
2020__Collection Plus Kaiga no Nakano Fukei ; Nakata museum, Hiroshima
2019__ONLY CONNECT OSAKA ; Creative Center Osaka
2017__dr/op: Beyond Boundaries ; Goodman Arts Centre, Singapore
_______Life & Art <Light - Science and Art> ; Higashi-Hiroshima museum, Hiroshima
2016__DR/OP ; Komyouji-Kaikan, Hiroshima
2015__CHEMCRAFT : For Love of Chemistry ; Espacio Gallerry, London
_______The Photograph : What You See & What You Don't #2 ; Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo
_______OC: Dogs in a Room ; Komyouji-Kaikan, Hiroshima
_______Tomonoura de Art 2014 ; Tomonotsu-no-shoka, Hiroshima2014__The Standstill of Painting ; Nakata museum, Hiroshima
_______Tomonoura de Art 2014 ; Tomonoura Rekishi Minzoku Shiryoukan, Hiroshima
_______Monma-washi Kakejiku ; OMONMA TENT, Ibaraki
2013__Nakanojo Biennale 2013 ; Nakanojo, Gunma
_______Tomonoura de ART ; Amidaji-temple, Hiroshima
2012__SASAKUSAS OPEN at Geidai Taito Sumida Art Project, Tokyo
2011__SASAKUSAS +plus at Geidai Taito Sumida Art Project, Tokyo
2010__SASAKUSAS at Geidai Taito Sumida Art Project, Tokyo
_______Temporary Contemporary Art Museum ; Fukawa ex-school building, Tone, Ibaraki
2009__Nakanojo Biennale 2009 ; Nakanojo, Gunma
_______Kiryu-Saien 15 ; Gunma
2008__YOMOYAMA Exhibition 2008 ; YOMOYAMA-SO, Tone, Ibaraki
2007__YOMOYAMA Exhibition 2007 ; YOMOYAMA-SO, Tone, Ibaraki
2002~__CREATION PROJECT ; Guardian Garden, Tokyo2000__JACA Japan Visual Art Exhibition ; Casa Vallarta, Guadarajara, MEXICO
_______3.3sq. exhibition ; Guardian Garden, Tokyo
1999__JACA Japan Visual Art Exhibition, Tokyo
1998__JACA Japan Visual Art Exhibition, Tokyo
_______WALKING MUSEUM, Takashimaya, Tokyo
1996__Easy Pop Art Show, Fukui
Awards2000__Honorable Mention Award (selected by Nobuyoshi Araki), New Cosmos of Photography 22nd Competition, Tokyo
1999__Grand Prize, JACA Japan Visual Art Exhibition, Tokyo
_______Honorable Mention Award (selected by Fumio Nanjo), New Cosmos of Photography 20th Competition, Tokyo安田暁
1973 愛知県生まれ
1999 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科デザイン専攻修了
2008~10 東京藝術大学美術学部先端芸術表現科 教育研究助手
2011~ 東京藝術大学美術学部先端芸術表現科 非常勤講師
2013〜 福山大学人間文化学部メディア情報文化学科 講師(2017〜教授)
2022 「写真の中と外に入る」光明寺會館、広島
2014 「何も写っていない写真のためのいくつかの練習」光明寺會館、広島
2013 「ひかりをころがす」OMONMA TENT、茨城
2012 「そこにある(あった)光について」アーカススタジオ ロッカールーム、茨城
「Frames/Framed」Fuller Project,Indiana, USA
2006 「PHOTO & GRAPH」テアトルデソンス ギャラリー、東京
2003 「家で展示」メゾン大和、東京
2001 「真昼の夢をもう 3 回」Pepper's Gallery、東京
2020 「コレクションプラス 絵画の中の風景」なかた美術館、広島
2019 「ONLY CONNECT OSAKA」クリエイティブセンター大阪
2017 「dr/op: Beyond Boundaries」Goodman Arts Centre、 シンガポール
「現代の造形ーLife & Art ー 光 身近に潜む科学とアート」東広島美術館、広島
2016 「DR/OP」光明寺會館、広島
2015 「CHEMCRAFT: For Love of Chemistry」Espacio Gallerry、ロンドン
「《写真》見えるもの見えないもの#2」東京芸術大学 陳列館、上野
「OC: Dogs in a Room」光明寺會館、広島
「鞆の浦 de ART 2015」鞆の津の商家、広島2014 「コレクションにみる 静かなもの The Standstill of Painting× BOOKS」なかた美術館、広島
「鞆の浦 de ART 2014」鞆の浦歴史民俗資料館、広島
「文間和紙に描く 20人の掛け軸展」OMONMA TENT、茨城
2013 「中之条ビエンナーレ 2013」通運ビル、群馬
「鞆の浦 de ART」阿弥陀寺、広島
2012 「ササクサス OPEN」GTS 芸大・台東・墨田アートプロジェクト、東京
2011 「ササクサス plus」GTS 芸大・台東・墨田アートプロジェクト、東京
2010 「ササクサス」GTS 芸大・台東・墨田アートプロジェクト、東京
2009 「中之条ビエンナーレ 2009」大道公民館、群馬
「桐生再演 15」前原ガレージ、群馬
「アートネ オープンサイト 2009」旧布川小学校、茨城
2008 「自家生成美術醸造展 YOMOYAMA exhibition 2008」四方山荘、茨城
2007 「自家生成日本美術ドラフト展 YOMOYAMA exhibition 2007」四方山荘、茨城
2002〜2013「Creation Project」Gardian Garden、東京
2000 「JACA 日本ビジュアルアート展 海外展」カサ・ヴァジャルタ、Guadalajara, Mexico
「ひとつぼ展」Gardian Garden、東京
1999 「JACA 日本ビジュアルアート展」東京
1998 「WALKING MUSEUM」 タカシマヤ タイムズスクエア新宿、東京
「JACA 日本ビジュアルアート展」東京
1996 「Easy Pop Art Show」福井
Images of Works
Images, The light draws, The light hides
Thickness of the image, Thickness of spaces
Balance the image, Local area network
Catch the Lights, Photo & Graph
Ghosts, Movie
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Copyright (c) 2019 Akira Yasuda All Rights Researved